Lono is a CloudFormation framework tool that helps you build your CloudFormation templates and manage the entire CloudFormation stack lifecycle. It enables you to craft the templates and takes you all the way to the final infrastructure provisioning step.
Lono has been been successfully used to manage over hundreds of CloudFormation templates. It automates an otherwise painstakingly manual process of managing your CloudFormation workflow.
Commands are short and easy to learn
lono new project # Generate new project
lono up # Deploy stack
lono list # List blueprints
lono plan # Preview deploy
lono down # Delete stack
description @description
parameter("InstanceType", "t3.micro")
"us-east-1": { Ami: "ami-0de53d8956e8dcf80" },
"us-west-2": { Ami: "ami-061392db613a6357b" }
resource("Instance", "AWS::EC2::Instance",
InstanceType: ref("InstanceType"),
ImageId: find_in_map("AmiMap", ref("AWS::Region"), "Ami"),
KeyName: ref("KeyName"),
# variables are useful at the compile stage
@description = "Demo for #{Lono.env} environment"
# Another useful example could be @subnets
# @subnets = %w[subnet-111 subnet-222]
The first stage of lono is you crafting the CloudFormation templates. Once your templates are written you generate the templates with lono build
You then specify the desired parameters that you want the CloudFormation template to launch with. You do this with env-like params files. The format is easy on the eyes.
Lono automatically generates scripts, templates and params files and launches the stack for you. Lono puts it all together and simplifies the ordinarily complicated multiple step manual process down to a single command!