Ruby Hooks

The hook execute option can also be provided Ruby code instead of a string. Here’s how it works:

  1. When the execute option is a String: Lono will shell out and run it as a script.
  2. When the execute option is a Ruby object: Lono will perform the call method on the object or class.

Ruby Class

When the Ruby object is a class with an instance method call, Lono creates a new instance of the class and runs its call method. Example:


class EnvExporter
  def call
    ENV['SECRET_FOO'] = "bar"

  execute: EnvExporter,

Lono will do something like this:

The example sets the SECRET_FOO environment variable. It is then available to the DSL in the blueprints.

Ruby Object

When the Ruby object, Lono expects it to have a call method and will run it. Example:


  execute: lambda { ENV['SECRET_FOO'] = "hi2" }

Lono will do something like this:


Method Argument

The call method can optionally be defined with an argument. The argument can be named whatever you wish. It’s named runner in the example. The runner argument is the instance of the class that handles running the hook. It can be use to access metadata about the running lono command. An example may help:


class ShowContext
  def call(runner)
    blueprint = runner.blueprint

    puts "runner #{runner}"
    puts "runner.hook #{runner.hook}"

    puts "blueprint #{blueprint}"
    puts " #{}"
    puts "blueprint.build_dir #{blueprint.build_dir}"
    puts "blueprint.cache_dir #{blueprint.cache_dir}"
    puts "blueprint.root #{blueprint.root}"
    puts "blueprint.type #{blueprint.type}"
    puts "blueprint.type_dir #{blueprint.type_dir}"
    puts "blueprint.options #{blueprint.options}"

    puts("Lono.root #{Lono.root}")
    puts("Lono.env #{Lono.env}")

  execute: ShowContext,

The example puts out some example values accessible via the runner object.