Stack Output

The output method can be used in params files to reference outputs in other stacks.

Let’s say you have deployed a stack named vpc.

lono up vpc

The vpc stack has been designed with a VpcId output.

Then you would like to launch another stack that has a VpcId parameter. You can use the output method to look up the value dynamically. Here’s the general form:

VpcId=<%= output("BLUEPRINT.LOGICAL_ID") %>



VpcId=<%= output("vpc.VpcId") %>

The vpc stack’s VpcId output us used as the VpcId parameter for the demo stack:

lono up demo # will use the VpcId parameter from `output` of the blueprint stack

The helpers are also documented in Built-In Helpers.

You can also use stack_output instead of output. Within the params context, output is aliased to stack_output.


VpcId=<%= stack_output("vpc.VpcId") %>


Notice that we specify the blueprint name not the stack name. So:

VpcId=<%= output("vpc.VpcId") %>      # correct
# vs
VpcId=<%= output("vpc-dev.VpcId") %>  # incorrect

Lono conventionally appends the stack name with the LONO_ENV. This allows us to use the same blueprint name in the output helper and keeps the code consistent. However, this behavior can be changed for the entire lono project if needed. You just have to override the default config.names.stack_output pattern.


Lono.configure do |config|
  config.names.output.stack = ":BLUEPRINT-:ENV" # default
  config.names.output.expand = true # change to false to disable expansion

If you’re wondering why LONO_APP is not in the default. It’s usually more common that companies have multiple apps running the same dev or prod VPC. Lono provides some reasonable defaults, but they can be overriden.

Additionally, if you just need to override it for a specific parameter. Just pass in the pattern directly. When a : is in the passed value, lono will use it for expansion. Example:


VpcId=<%= output("vpc-:ENV.VpcId") %> # another way to override the default expansion pattern
# When LONO_ENV=dev the above is the same as
VpcId=<%= output("vpc-dev.VpcId") %>

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