Destroy Infrastructure

Now that we’ve seen how to deploy, let’s clean up and tear down the resources.

To destroy the resources, run:

lono down demo

You’ll be prompted to make sure you really want to delete these resources.

$ lono down demo
Will delete
  1 AWS::S3::Bucket
  1 Total

Are you sure you want to delete the demo-dev stack? (y/N)

We are prompted for confirmation. Type y and press enter to destroy the infrastructure.

Are you sure you want to delete the demo-dev stack? (y/N) y
Waiting for stack to complete
04:06:51AM DELETE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack demo-dev User Initiated
Stack demo-dev deleted.
Time took: 5s

Congrats! You have successfully created, modified, and destroy infrastructure with lono.

Next, we’ll look at some next steps.