Update Infrastructure
Let’s update the infrastructure.
lono up demo
Lono will show you a preview of the changes and prompt you to update the infrastructure.
$ lono up demo
Deploying demo-dev stack
Template Changes:
=> diff /tmp/lono/diff/template/existing.yml output/demo/template.yml
No changes
Parameter Changes:
AccessControl: Private -> PublicRead
Change Set Changes:
Calculating Change Set......
Resource Changes
Modify AWS::S3::Bucket: Bucket demo-dev-bucket-1p4y43txdk9zg
Are you sure you want to update the demo-dev stack? (y/N)
You are shown what will change. There are 3 plan previews:
- Template: This is a diff of the already deployed Template YAML vs the newly built one.
- Parameter: This is a diff of the already deployed Parameters vs the new ones.
- Changeset: This is a AWS CloudFormation ChangeSet. It provides a high-level overview of what resources will be Modified, Created, and Deleted.
These are all configurable with config/app.rb.
You are also prompted for confirmation. Type y
and press enter.
Are you sure you want to update the demo-dev stack? (y/N) y
Waiting for stack to complete
04:05:13AM UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack demo-dev User Initiated
04:05:19AM UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::Bucket Bucket
04:05:39AM UPDATE_COMPLETE AWS::S3::Bucket Bucket
04:05:41AM UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack demo-dev
04:05:42AM UPDATE_COMPLETE AWS::CloudFormation::Stack demo-dev
Stack success status: UPDATE_COMPLETE
Time took: 30s
Updated demo-dev stack.
BucketName = demo-dev-bucket-1p4y43txdk9zg
The modification has been deployed. You can confirm with the AWS CLI. It will look something like this:
$ aws s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket demo-dev-bucket-1p4y43txdk9zg | jq '.Grants[1]'
"Grantee": {
"Type": "Group",
"URI": "http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"
"Permission": "READ"
Next, we’ll destroy the infrastructure.