Lambda Layers
Lono can build and upload Lambda Layers.
Lambda Layer Example
Here’s an example of how lono builds a Lambda Layer.
First, here’s a Lambda function in Ruby.
def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
puts "event: #{JSON.dump(event)}"
puts "context: #{JSON.dump(context)}"
{message: "hello world"}
And a Gemfile
with dependencies for the Lambda Layer.
source ""
gem "s3-secure"# Example gem. Lambda Layer cannot be empty and requires at least one dependency.
Next, we’ll create a Lambda function and Lambda Layer.
resource("Function", "AWS::Lambda::Function",
Code: {
S3Bucket: files_bucket, # same as lono bucket
S3Key: files("files/lambda-function"), # app/blueprints/demo/files/lambda-function
Description: "Lambda Function",
Handler: "index.lambda_handler",
Layers: [ref("LayerVersion")], # <= NOTE: use of layer
Role: get_att("LambdaExecutionRole.Arn"),
Runtime: "ruby2.7",
Timeout: "300",
resource("LayerVersion", "AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion",
CompatibleRuntimes: ["ruby2.7"],
Content: {
S3Bucket: files_bucket, # same as lono bucket
S3Key: files("files/lambda-function", layer: "ruby") # <= NOTE: layer: "ruby"
Description: "lambda layer",
LayerName: "lambda-layer", # if not named, then it defaults to the logical id
LicenseInfo: "Nonstandard"
The layer: "ruby
option tells Lono to build and package up the files in files/lambda-function
a Lambda Layer.
Important: Run bundle
in the app/blueprints/demo/files/lambda-function
folder to generate an updated Gemfile.lock
file. Otherwise, you’ll get an error complaining about missing dependencies when the Lambda function tries to run. Lambda uses Gemfile.lock
Related AWS Docs:
- Creating Lambda layers: Language-specific instructions
- Deploy Ruby Lambda functions with .zip file archives
Lambda Layers for Other Languages
Currently, Lono does not automatically build Lambda Layers for other languages to the same degree of convenience as Ruby. Will welcome and review PRs.
You can still build artifacts for lambda layers yourself. You add the files directly to the app/blueprints/demo/files/lambda-function
folder for other languages. Lono uploads files in that folder. Example:
resource("LayerVersion", "AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion",
CompatibleRuntimes: ["python3.8"],
Content: {
S3Bucket: files_bucket, # same as lono bucket
S3Key: files("files/lambda-function") # <= NOTE: no layer option pass
Description: "python layer",
LayerName: "python-layer", # if not named, then it defaults to the logical id
LicenseInfo: "Nonstandard"