lono new helper


lono new helper NAME


Generate new helper

Blueprint Helpers

When the --blueprint option is used a blueprint helper is generated.

The default name is custom

$ lono new helper --blueprint codebuild
      create  app/blueprints/codebuild/helpers/custom_helper.rb

Here’s an example with a helper named vars.

$ lono new helper vars --blueprint codebuild
      create  app/blueprints/codebuild/helpers/vars_helper.rb

Project Helpers

When no --blueprint option is used a project helper is generated.

The default name is custom.

$ lono new helper
      create  app/helpers/custom/custom_helper.rb

Here’s an example with a helper named common.

$ lono new helper common
      create  app/helpers/common/common_helper.rb


[--force]                # Bypass overwrite are you sure prompt for existing files
[--blueprint=BLUEPRINT]  # Blueprint name. Only use you want a blueprint helper. Otherwise a project helper is generated